Outdoor Leader videos are available from Youtube
Hello all friends,
This blog will tell you something about the transnational cooperation and rural development. We are all together nine (9) association partners from Finland and Sweden. We all are Local Action Groups aka LAGs.
Here you can find a joint video from Outdoor Leader project partners from Finland.
We have been working together with rural development and nature tourism since 2019. You can find the video here https://youtu.be/McAXfzRDu_s . From that Youtube channel you will find soon more local nature tourism videos.
The Finnish partners in Outdoor Leader project are :
LAG I Samma båt - Samassa veneessä - https://www.sameboat.fi/
LAG Ykkösakseli - https://www.ykkosakseli.fi/
LAG Varsin Hyvä - https://www.varsinhyva.fi/
LAG Jokivarsikumppanit - https://jokivarsi.org/
LAG Pyhäjärviseutu - http://www.pyhajarviseutu.fi/
LAG Ravakka - http://www.ravakka.fi/
LAG Aisapari - http://www.aisapari.net/
The Swedish partners in Outdoor Leader project are:
LAG Sjuhärad - https://www.leader-sjuharad.se/
LAG MittSkåne utveckling - http://www.mittskaneutveckling.se/
The main purposes for working together with the joint project are learning from each others and dealing the best practices of each areas. Promoting the nature trails and outdoor activities have been important target and that is why we have made these videos.
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